

Is it worth investing in Disaster Recovery?

Investing upfront in the mitigation of potential disasters will save your company and network in the long run. In the world of reliable hosting, for example, each infrastructure deployment includes all kinds of high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) solutions. Investing in HA and DR solutions upfront will enable business continuity, avoid a lot of stress, and save you from the potentially devastating recovery costs.

What is disaster recovery?

According to TechTarget, “disaster recovery is an area of security planning that aims to protect an organization from the effects of significant negative events. DR allows an organization to maintain or quickly resume mission-critical functions following a disaster.”

This means that implementing DR requires a different approach for every organization, as each organization has its own mission-critical functions. Typically, some mission-critical functions run on or rely on IT infrastructure. Therefore, it is good to look at DR within the context of this (hosted) infrastructure; however, it should be part of business continuity planning as a whole.

Important questions to ask when you plan and design your mission-critical hosting infrastructure include:

  • How much time am I prepared to have my mission-critical functions unavailable (RTO)?
  • How much data am I prepared to lose, i.e. the time duration for which you will not be able to recover your data (RPO). For example, if you safely backup your data once a day, you can lose up to one day of data when a disaster happens.
  • How much money will it cost the organization (per hour) when the mission-critical services are not available? DR measures include prevention, detection and correction.

Disaster recovery for common failures

Most hosting services include disaster recovery for most common failures such as failure of a physical disk, server, network switch, network uplink connection, or power feed. This is referred to as High Availability (HA).

A redundant setup solves failures as if an element fails, another infrastructure piece takes over. Redundant networking devices and cabling, multiple power feeds, seamless failover to battery power, and separate power generators that can run forever play an important role in keeping IT infrastructure and thus your software services up and running. Also in case of a fire in a data center, the fire is typically detected early and extinguished through gas (reduction of oxygen), without even affecting most equipment in the same data center hall. This means that most ‘disasters’ are being recovered without impacting the availability of the infrastructure services.

One of the most commonly used tools in DR is creating a frequent backup of your data. If a disaster occurs, you can then restore your backup and relaunch your mission-critical functions and other services.

For faster relaunch of your services after a disaster, replication of your application servers and data can come in handy, as it is readily available to relaunch, compared to backups that would first need to be restored (which takes more time).

Preparing for critical disasters

To mitigate risks of larger disasters which are much less likely to happen, an alternative IT infrastructure environment to run your mission-critical functions can help to enable your business continuity.

Some choose to backup critical data to another location. Others replicate application servers and data to another location, with available hosting infrastructure, to be able to relaunch application services quickly or to have a seamless failover without service interruption.

In case you need to mitigate the risk of failure of the entire environment, the common solution is to include a failover data center site in your IT infrastructure setup. Disaster recovery by means of adding an alternative data center (also called Twin DC setup) also requires a tailored approach to identify the right setup for your applications and mission-critical functions.

Another important facet is to implement applications that can deal with infrastructure failures. Where in the past it was more common to trust on the underlying infrastructure for high availability, it has become more popular to implement applications in such a way that underlying (cheaper) infrastructure may (and will) fail, without impacting the availability of the mission-critical functions.

This means finding a balance between investing in more reliable hosting infrastructure, applications that deal with failures in the underlying infrastructure, and planning and preparing failover to an alternative infrastructure environment.

Making optimal use of DR investments

To make optimal use of DR investments you can choose to use the extra resources in a second datacenter even when there is no failover due to a large disaster in the primary data center location. You can spread workloads between both data centers, for example with half of the workloads running in each data center A. During a disaster, non-mission-critical services can be stopped to make space for mission-critical services to failover.

Another example is when all applications run in the primary data center, and only those applications and data related to the mission-critical functions are replicated and fail over to a second data center in case of disaster (active-passive).

The main takeaways

As every business is different when carrying out business continuity planning every organization should have their own approach to disaster recovery. The challenge for these organizations is going to be balancing the tools and methods available. The goal, however, should be clear for everyone – invest upfront to prevent higher recovery costs in case of a disaster.

E-commerce: Your website and infrastructure can make or break your business

Running an E-commerce business is a daunting task, and trying to ensure its success is even more difficult due to the highly competitive world of digital marketing. Companies are tasked with determining what strategies will work best for their businesses and then need to be able to adapt to overcome various challenges to become successful. 

The importance of scaling 

To thrive as an E-commerce business, it is imperative to master the ability to increase traffic to your website. Successfully incorporating proper scaling into your e-commerce shop is a challenge many online store owners are unable to implement adequately. Having the ability to do so helps your store maintain loyal customers and acquire more new customers than the competition.    

Your website needs to be able to scale up to handle spikes in traffic which occur around busy shopping periods. The revenue from Black Friday 2018 was an astounding $6.2 billion, a 23.6% increase year over year. The revenue made from this day alone is a significant contributor to whether an E-commerce business has had a successful quarter or not – so you don’t want to miss out on any opportunities. It is important to make sure your website is functioning properly on these promotional occasions as there might be a lot of new website visitors who are having their first encounters with your brand, so you’ll want to make a good impression. Most website visitors will be looking to take advantage of the available promotions, so you’ll want to make sure this transactional process is as smooth as possible. I remember an occasion when I was shopping online, and I wasn’t able to complete a purchase because the systems were too busy. This resulted in me getting the item elsewhere, and driving a customer to a competitor is exactly what you don’t want as an e-commerce company.  

Visitor trust is important 

Establishing trust with online visitors is essential. Not everyone who visits your site will be set on making a purchase. Some users will be visiting for the first time and may be hesitant to make a purchase from an unfamiliar site. Establishing trust, even in tiny increments, is the key to keeping more customers at your site during the early stages of the buying cycle.   

A huge factor in gaining trust is having a system that works. If your customers leave due to busy systems or a slow-loading website, chances are those customers will not return, as they perceive you as an unreliable brand. A stable, well-performing e-commerce platform will give your customers a good experience, and they will happily return to purchase more. This means you need to support your website with infrastructure that performs well and can scale up to meet seasonal peak demands.  

One more trust factor is security. As an e-commerce company, your customers trust you with their personal and payment data. Making sure that data is kept safe is vital for your customers, employees, brand, and reputation in the industry. It pays to have measures in place to ensure your infrastructure is secure and monitored.   

Before you should ever consider a redesign for your site, it is important for you to analyze any potential defects in the existing conversion funnel. The lifeline of any e-commerce site can demonstrate what is causing a decrease in sales. You need to track down what is leading to the decline in sales and remedy the problem immediately in order to keep your business alive. There are several ways you can optimize your website to increase sales, and actually most of those have to do with the usability of your site, as well as the accessibility of your checkout and payment processes. If the shopping experience is tedious, your products are difficult to find, and paying for them is a hassle – your customers will go elsewhere.   

Four steps to a better customer experience  

  1. Begin by making sure your website runs properly

The website should load fast, allowing customers to view products and switch from product to product without any downtime. Long waits for pages to load often cause customers to abandon their carts to find websites that function better. Kissmetrics found that 40% of consumers abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.This means you need to ensure you run your website on infrastructure that can deliver the best possible latency, but can also bring the performance and scalability you need.  

  1. Ensure your website is easy to navigate

Visitors should be able to maneuver from product to product without any issues, and they should be able to locate what they are looking for easily. Customers need to have information easily accessible, as this will keep them happy and encourage them to buy more products and services from you.  

  1. Create a painless checkout process

Examine your existing checkout process. If you have a process that is overly complicated, requiring the customer to go through several steps just to place an order, chances are more customers will abandon carts instead of purchasing items they are interested in. Unexpected shipping costs, requiring customers to create accounts, security issues, and various other factors are leading culprits for abandoned carts. One often-forgotten aspect of the checkout process is the integration of your payment provider. If you have good connectivity, your checkout and payment processes will most probably run smoother, giving your customers a better experience. 

  1. Make security a top priority

If visitors do not feel safe using your website, they will not feel confident in providing their credit card or personal information to you in order to make a purchase. Make sure you choose a trusted hosting partner for your site. 

Trust and usability are key  

If you have an E-commerce aspect of your business, you need a quick and easy shopping and checkout process, and a dependable system supporting everything. Choosing the right type of infrastructure, supported with a set of services that keep things safe and speedy, can make a huge difference in the success of your e-commerce business. 

How to create a 3-2-1 backup system

Remind me, what is 3-2-1 backup? 

The 3-2-1 backup rule means that you should have 3 independent copies of your data – 2 of which are stored on-site for fast restore and 1 is stored off-site for recovery after a site disaster. There are many different ways to create this system, particularly when looking at the on-site options. It’s also worth noting that distinction between replica ‘ready-to-run’ copies and more traditional backup copies is becoming less and less clear, and the terms backup and replication are often used interchangeably. 

Backup vs. replication 

The onsite copy of your data can be a backup copy or a replica of the server you are protecting. The difference between backup and replication is that backup refers to copying files (or data blocks) to some external media, while replication is the creation and synchronization of an exact copy of the server in the native server format. 

A replica is ideal for direct spin-up, while a backup copy usually requires a restore process before it can spin-up. A major benefit of having a backup copy is it typically contains multiple restore points in time. You can go back to the state of the data one week ago or one month ago, for example. 

Designing your 3-2-1 backup combination 

At Leaseweb, there are a number of ready-to-use products which can be used to create a 3-2-1 backup of your server and data. See some examples combinations below.

IaaS Onsite original data Onsite copy Offsite copy 
Virtual Server Virtual Server  Acronis Cloud Backup 
Dedicated Server Dedicated Server other Dedicated Server Acronis Cloud Backup 
Private Cloud Apache Cloudstack Private Cloud Instance  Acronis Cloud Backup 
Private Cloud VMware vCloud Private Cloud VM Veeam Backup Acronis Cloud Backup 
Private Cloud VMware vSphere (single tenant) Private Cloud VM Veeam Backup Acronis Cloud Backup 
On-site storage 

For the original data storage, the infrastructure services are already equipped with redundant storage platforms that have high availability features. Dedicated Servers are typically ordered and delivered with multiple disks in a redundant RAID5/6 setup to protect against disk failure (failed disk hardware replacement included). 

For storing an onsite copy, a Dedicated Server can easily be setup with Private Networking to connect with a Dedicated ‘Backup Storage’ Server. You can choose any available OS feature (or run a software application of your choice) to manage the replication of the data. Examples are Linux DRBD (automatically replicates all data) and Linux rsync (manual file-based replication). For Leaseweb VMware platforms only, Leaseweb offers Veeam Backup which currently functions as a solution for onsite backup. This service does not require a software agent and comes with a self-service management portal. 

Off-site storage 

The offsite backup protects against a complete site disaster. Some backup providers give the option to test (or even run) the off-site backup copy directly within the offsite cloud environment, without the need to restore first to your onsite server infrastructure. 

The offsite copy solution is offered as an add-on self-service. This service is powered by the Acronis Cloud Backup software agent and a self-service management portal. 

Note, for advanced setups, some enterprise customers enable both fast restore and site disaster recovery in one through a twin data center setup, whereby an offsite/twin data center replica enables both fast restore and site disaster recovery. 

Wrapping up 

As you can see from the table above there are various ways to design a 3-2-1 backup using Dedicated Servers and Cloud services. Some companies employ an even more expansive backup strategy, using more than one off-site backup partner to create a 3-2-2 setup for example. There is no such thing as a perfect backup system but diversifying and having different options is only going to improve your chances of a smooth recovery from a disaster. 

Mail Server 101: POP3 vs. IMAP

When it comes to technology, there are many things that many of us never stop to think about. Like how a microwave heats food so quickly. How in the world a Keurig works. Or the process by which email ends up on your phone, computer, or tablet each morning. Luckily, this post is here to dispel some of the mystery behind at least the last of these technological enigmas.

Email gets transmitted amongst and between servers and ends up in your inbox through one of two processes: POP3(Post Office Protocol version 3) or IMAP (Internet Messaging Access Protocol). While you may have seen either of these two terms before when setting up mail on a a new device, we’ll break down for you exactly what is happening with these two distinct actions.

POP3, which was the first of the two, downloads information from the server onto your personal computer and subsequently deletes the data from the server. Though this process is great at conserving space on your server, it makes it pretty difficult to access your data across multiple devices.

Inversely, while IMAP requires significantly more disk space on your machine than POP3, this process also provides increased flexibility when it comes to accessing your email across devices. IMAP leaves information on the server and synchronizes read and unread messages, folders, and spam across any device in which you’d access your email.

While IMAP has emerged as the leading method for mail delivery, both processes have their advantages and disadvantages. Read more about IMAP vs. POP3 in our Knowledge Base.

The Secret to an Original Site that Delivers Results

Ever wonder why companies like Apple or Amazon have such a cult following or why people love to use their sites as “inspiration” for their own website designs? I was one of these people back in my early days as a web designer. The first thing I’d do before starting a design project is look at these brands and try to emulate their look and feel. I made sure my designs were as clean and beautiful as theirs, and ensured that they were usable. However, it didn’t take me long to find that I didn’t quite get the same results. The difference was that I didn’t tailor my site for my own unique users. To get the results I was looking for, I needed to know how to improve the overall user experience (UX) for MY target audience.

What is UX anyway?

The key is to get them from point A to point B while also providing an enjoyable experience.

I hear people all the time using the words UI, usability, and UX interchangeably. While a good UI (user interface) and usability are important aspects of user experience, actual UX encompasses how a visitor or user perceives, interacts with, and experiences your product or service. Think about UI like a store’s layout and decor, but UX as the overall shopping experience.

Get to know your customer

There are things you might know right off the bat about your customers, but you’re only touching the surface until you uncover how your users are interacting with your website, what their frustrations are, and what motivates their decisions. And the best place to get this info — is directly from them!

Research does a website good

There are countless ways to conduct UX research and you might use different methods depending on the project. I usually start with gathering existing data. From there, I begin conducting user interviews, surveys, and user testing until I finally get to a place where I can start developing personas and creating a comprehensive mental model.

The goal of this process is to use the information gathered to provide solutions to users’ problems and address their needs while keeping them delighted and engaged. The key is to get them from point A to point B while also providing an enjoyable experience. Think about why you might be loyal to some brands and not others.

The holy grail of UX design: mental models
Source: Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior by Indi Young
From my experience, a mental model is the most useful tool for designing an original site that delivers results. A mental model illustrates how a person will likely apply past experience to a brand new situation.

Just to give you an idea of what our mental model diagram looked like when redesigning cpanel.com, the top half consisted of boxes that listed all of the user stories, behaviors, motivations, and frustrations that we discovered as part of our research. The bottom half provided the ways in which we planned to support or solve what was listed above. With this simple and easy-to-create diagram, we were able to come up with features and design solutions for the website without having to guess. To top it off, it didn’t take us several months to complete.

While getting to know your users is essential to the success of your site’s design, the truth is that you’ll have to do some testing, measuring, and iterating before you get your site to its optimum performance. To help you get started, I’ve provided some handy links with information about UX research, mental models, and other UX tools so you can uncover the secret ingredient that will keep your users coming back for more.


General Data Protection Regulation and cPanel

As the internet evolves — so do the policies that govern the way we store and share information. One of the latest policies to come into effect is the General Data Protection Regulation. This policy, also known as GDPR, comes out of the European Union and its goal is to protect certain types of personal information.  We began preparing just over a year ago for this regulation, which comes into effect May of 2018. Here are a few things we thought you should know.

What is the GDPR?

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a regulation that comes into effect May 25, 2018.  The GDPR regulates the collection, processing, transport, and use of personal information about individuals in Europe.

Where can I get more information about GDPR and my compliance obligations?

The GDPR itself is here.  The European Union has created an information portal here.  A number of companies provide consulting services that help with different aspects of your compliance process.  While cPanel doesn’t recommend any particular approach to GDPR compliance, your lawyer or regulatory advisor may be able to point you to resources that are helpful.

Why does GDPR apply to cPanel? 

GDPR applies to cPanel because our company has both direct and indirect European customers whose personal information may be collected or processed by us, or on our behalf.  It may also apply to companies who provide services to us to the extent we provide this data to them.  Although cPanel is a U.S. company, the GDPR applies to personal information about individuals in Europe regardless of whether that information is located in Europe or elsewhere.

How will cPanel comply with GDPR?

As of the end of January 2018, cPanel has completed a “data mapping” exercise designed to identify how cPanel collects, handles, and transfers European personal information that is subject to GDPR.  Based on this exercise, we have categorized data and are in the process of creating processes that will facilitate compliance with GDPR.  We have determined that:

  • We do not collect or process “sensitive” data that is subject to GDPR.
  • We do collect and/or process other personal information subject to GDPR.
  • We store some personal information subject to GDPR for set periods of time.
  • A small number of third parties may also process personal information subject to GDPR on our behalf.
  • Data subject to the GDPR that is stored by us may be stored outside the U.S. and Europe.

To facilitate GDPR compliance we are strengthening our data segregation and access policies, our breach response plan, and relationships with vendors who may handle data on our behalf, or on behalf of our customers.

To further provide information to customers and third parties, we anticipate rolling out a revision of our privacy policy in late March.  Our revised privacy policy will:

  • Provide detailed information about the types of data we collect or process
  • Include the reasons for that collection or processing
  • Set out the length of time we store the data
  • Indicate whether the data is accessed by third parties on our behalf

We also anticipate becoming Privacy Shield certified by the implementation date of the GDPR.

How does cPanel & WHM facilitate compliance with GDPR?

cPanel & WHM is intentionally a highly configurable software product.  Because every customer’s determination about what is required for it to become GDPR compliant is unique, there is not a particular way that our products create compliance with GDPR, or any other law or regulation.  We are committed to working with our customers and partners to understand how their compliance activities are facilitated by our products, and ways our products can help them reach compliance.

How can you get more information about cPanel’s GDPR compliance plans?

cPanel will be holding a GDPR compliance “meet up” at CloudFest.  The meet up will be held on 14 March at 15:00 at our booth (H15).  Members of our product, executive, and legal teams will be on hand to listen and provide answers to questions you may have about our corporate compliance efforts and how our products can facilitate your own compliance.

3 cPanel & WHM Add-ons For Fighting Spam Email

Being a hosting provider isn’t easy. We get that. There are many unforeseeable occurrences that can put a damper on your service — however, spam email shouldn’t be one of them. We’ve highlighted three cPanel & WHM add-ons that you can use to fight incoming spam, malware, and viruses on your server and, ultimately, offer your customers a better experience.

SpamStopsHere is a unique, multilayer filter system that uses four criteria levels to weed out spam and malicious content, while permitting spamstopshere-email-protection-cloud1legitimate email, with a nearly 99.5% success rate. The first layer, the IP Blacklist, flags any email sent from known spam servers. The next layer scans the document for URLs associated with spam. The third layer scans it for strange phrases, rather than keywords, linked to malicious content. Finally, the last layer scans the format of the document for tricks often used by spammers to bypass normal email clients. This robust, dynamic process lessens server load and should make your customers pretty happy.


ASSP Deluxe for cPanel
ASSP (Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy) Deluxe for cPanel is a nifty plugin that eradicates spam email and the easy-to-install widget comes loaded with additional features and customizations. You can set up criterion for custom spam boxes, receive daily email reports, and tinker with a whole host of other automatable functions, cutting a fraction of your workload.

ASSP Deluxe for cPanel>>>

SpamExperts cPanel Add-on
This add-on gives cPanel users one-click access to a wide range of anti-spam solutions packaged within the SpamExperts widget. Not only does spamexpertsSpamExperts’ cPanel add-on protect domains from email-based threats, it enables hosting providers to offer custom spam-fighting tools. Using the SpamExperts plugin, you can increase security for your customers and add value to your business.

SpamExperts cPanel Add-on>>>

Browse the cPanel Application Catalog

*These are 3rd party plugins that are not managed or owned by cPanel, Inc. Issues that may arise when using these products should be directed to the respective plugin developers.

The Different Applications for cPanel Webmail

Webmail is one of the most commonly used features in cPanel. As opposed to having email delivered from the server to a desktop application, Webmail allows users to check their messages from their browsers. Currently, there are three different Webmail applications available, each with their own subtle differences, but all with the same power to deliver secure email on the web.

The Horde Project is an open-source development community that is responsible for the creation of countless applications and software systems. Vetted and managed by a Core Team, Horde develops tools with PHP that are valuable for small businesses all the way up to the enterprise level. Their focus on enterprise tools has allowed them to create, not only a popular Webmail application, but also a suite of complementary widgets that do everything from managing calendars, notes, and addresses to standard filtering, message flagging, and the search functionality that comes with many Webmail platforms.

RoundCube is the world’s leading open source Webmail application. This application already has millions of users and the upcoming evolution of their product is guaranteed to garner even more attention from users around the world. While not equipped with as many additional features as Horde, RoundCube is praised for its easy-to-use, drag-and-drop interface. Loaded with the ability to search, flag, and organize your email, it makes perusing and managing your inbox (and outbox) super simple.

3 Ways to Prevent Email Abuse

Over 100 billion emails get sent per day. Everything from out-of-office alerts to billing summaries gets transferred across the web, from server to server. While we expect the things we send and deliver to remain secure, we know it isn’t always the case. There are various ways mail servers can be compromised, however, there are also a number of things that you can do, as a hosting provider, to prevent email abuse on your cPanel & WHM server. Here are a few of our easy-to-administer tips.

Require a Minimum Password Strength

We all know….well, we all should know the difference between a secure password and an insecure one:

Less secure: amy1234

More secure: ~4my0n3tw0thr334

With that in mind, ensuring your mail account holders are using secure passwords is one of the simplest ways to protect their information. While capitalization, symbol usage, and spelling all factor into password security, as a hosting provider, you can set a character minimum to ensure that all of your users have a base level of protection.

Learn more about Password Strength Configurations>>

Enable cPHulk

Familiar with the 2012 Marvel film The Avengers? In the final battle sequence, a seemingly unstoppable (keyword) alien army attempts to take down NYC — that is of course until the neurotically lovable Bruce Banner turns into his not-so-jolly green alter ego.

cPanel & WHM includes its own secret weapon that was developed to defend against the onslaught of brute force attacks. By enabling cPHulk, you can drastically prevent brute force attacks from affecting your users, your accounts, or your machine. Simply toggle the feature on from your Security Center and prevent malicious software from trying to muscle through your password security.

Find out the full power of cPHulk by reading our Documentation Site>>

Enable SMTP Restrictions

All online activity happens through a series of rules called protocols. For mail, SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the method used to submit messages to mail servers for delivery to the recipient.

With SMTP Restrictions, a feature you can enable straight from WHM, you can prevent spammers from directly interacting with your remote mail servers or even working around your mail security settings.

Curious about SMTP Restrictions? Find out more here in our Documentation>>
There are, of course, many more ways you can up the security on your mail server and protect your customers. If you found this article helpful, be sure to share it with others. If you have a few tips for mail security worth mentioning, let us know by leaving a comment below.

Pointing Two URLs to the Same Website

Pointing two URLs to the same website is a good way to direct traffic to your site from several different domain names. You can accomplish this in two ways: either redirect one of the URLs to your primary domain, or create an alias for one of the URLs. The alias would point that domain towards your primary domain.

Redirect a website
A redirect occurs when typing a web address in the address bar sends a visitor to another website (or URL) different from the one they typed in. For example, if you moved your website content to a new URL, you can direct your seasonal visitors (who may remember your old web address better than your new one) to your new location with a redirect.

How to create a redirect with the cPanel interface
You can redirect a website from the Redirects interface in cPanel. Go to the Domains section and click Redirects on the cPanel home page, or type Redirects in the search bar. Follow the prompts to create the redirection. If you need additional help, read our Redirects documentation.

Create an alias (or the action formerly known as parking a domain)
When the system creates an alias, it does the same thing as a redirect; except that the website name shown on the address bar does not change. Think of it as using two different picture frames for the same artwork. The website content is the same for both URLs (the artwork), but what changes is the URL shown in the address bar (the picture frame in the example). For example, example.org is an alias for example.com. Try it!

You can create an alias for several domains to show the same page. The domains have to be registered with a valid domain registrar before you can create the alias. Also, you’ll need to make sure the nameservers are the same as those for your primary domain (the domain that you are pointing towards).

Important: Make sure you know what type of hosting account or package your account has. If you have a reseller account, you will need to ask your provider if you have access or permission to create an alias.

If you do not have this permission, you may be able to redirect one of the URLs instead of creating the alias.
If you have permission, ask for the number of domains for which you are allowed to create an alias.
How to create an alias with the cPanel interface
To create an alias, go to the Domains section and click on Aliases in the cPanel home page, or type Aliases in the search bar. Type your domain name in the Domain text box and click Add Domain.

If there are no issues, you should see a message like the one below:

If there are issues (like your domain having the wrong nameservers), you will get an error message. Make sure you have solved the issues highlighted in the Important section above to minimize your chances for errors.